A very red Sun setting over the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of North Cornwall.

Atlantic Sunset

Amazing contest sky for a B&W at Widemouth.

All about the sky

Widemouth Bay, Cornwall. Vintage glass and Fuji custom recipe.

Reflections at Widemouth

Ancient twisted Oaks and rare mosses found within Black-a-Tor Copse. A hike out into deepest Dartmoor  beyond Meldon Reservoir, West Devon.

Black-a-Tor Copse, Devon.

The church of  St Michael de Rupe at Bren-Tor, also known as "Brentor", on the edge of The Dartmoor National Park and very near the beautiful and historic town of Tavistock.

Brentor Church, Dartmoor

Widemouth Bay in monochrome. Captured using retro 1960's film lens adapted for digital.

Widemouth Bay - Cornwall in Mono

Low Autumn Sunshine through the trees on one of the many winding Devon back roads.

Autumn in North Devon

Cornish beach life. 1970s retro glass with Fuji digital camera.

Leisure time

B&W meets silhouette. Vintage 1960s Zeiss lens adapted to digital.

Black and White

Sunrise beyond Brentor and Dartmoor

Catching the Cornish offshore spray near Bude. Vintage Helios lens adapted for digital.


Mono composition.

The winds of change

Fantastic light caught with vintage glass.

Chasing the light

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